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Leviatom is a layer 0 network in the NetX ecosystem, serving as the backbone of the decentralized cloud computing infrastructure network. It provides support for decentralized computing in NetX by building an infrastructure network. Leviatom has five major characteristics:

Decentralized Computing Infrastructure: Leviatom is the backbone of decentralized cloud computing and has built an infrastructure network to support decentralized computing in NetX.
Parallel Chain: Leviathan enhances blockchain performance through parallel chain technology, ensuring that on-chain computations match off-chain computations.
Microservice Management: The Leviatom ledger records the dynamic characteristics of nodes’ microservices, including the deployment and removal of microservices. This enables dynamic management and tracking of services through the ledger.
DeFaaS Platform: Leviatom is transformed into a decentralized Function-as-a-Service platform through a property-based service routing method, which improves network efficiency and functionality.
Collaboration with EVM: Collaboration with the EVM-compatible chain of Layer 1 enables smart contracts to call microservices hosted by Leviatom, bridging the gap between decentralized computing and smart contract execution.
Leviatom Official Links:
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Discord: [](
Next: What We Do
Last Updated: 6 months ago
Leviatom Docs Search Ctrl + K Leviatom Introduction What Is Leviatom What We Do Key Features Technical Design Blockchains Trusted Computing Roles Service Deployment Transaction Processing Testnet Testnet Introduction Powered by GitBook What Is Leviatom
Leviatom is a layer 0 network in the NetX ecosystem, serving as the backbone of the decentralized cloud computing infrastructure network. Leviatom Official Links:
Website: [](
Twitter: [](
Discord: [](
Next: What We Do
Last Updated: 6 months ago”

the reasons behind this review :
Decentralized Computing Infrastructure, Parallel Chain, Microservice Management, DeFaaS Platform, Collaboration with EVM, Official Links
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  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

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  Whois data is hidden