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Why is the trust score of very high?

The website appears to be a legitimate government website for the Sumedang Religious Court in Indonesia. The site provides a system for tracking court cases, including details such as case numbers, registration dates, case classifications, involved parties, and case statuses. The information seems to be related to various legal matters, such as divorce petitions and dispensation of marriage.

Given the nature of the content and the domain being a subdomain of, which is associated with the Indonesian government, it is likely that this website is authentic and serves an official purpose for the Sumedang Religious Court. However, users should always exercise caution when accessing any website and ensure that they are on the correct and secure site, especially when dealing with sensitive legal information.

It’s important to verify the authenticity of the website by cross-referencing the information provided with official sources or contacting the relevant authorities. Additionally, users should ensure that their interactions with the site, such as submitting any personal or legal information, are done securely and in accordance with the site’s privacy and security policies.

As with any online platform, it’s advisable to use strong, unique passwords for any accounts created on the site and to be mindful of the sensitivity of the information being accessed. If in doubt, it’s best to seek guidance from legal professionals or the appropriate government agencies to ensure that the website is being used in a secure and appropriate manner.

In summary, while the website appears to be a legitimate platform for accessing information related to the Sumedang Religious Court in Indonesia, users should exercise caution, verify the site’s authenticity, and follow best practices for online security and privacy when using the platform.”

the reasons behind this review :
Government website, Legal information, Subdomain of, Official court system, Case tracking, Indonesian government, Authenticity verification, Secure interactions, Legal professionals, Online security best practices
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden