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Influitive is a customer advocacy SaaS (Software as a Service) platform that helps companies strategically discover, nurture, and mobilize customer advocates. It offers various use cases, including getting more reviews, amplifying social media, growing product adoption, managing customer references, getting valuable customer feedback, and onboarding, training, and empowering customers. The platform provides product solutions and features for customer advocacy, customer communities, customer experience, customer success, customer loyalty, and employee advocacy. Influitive is used by numerous well-known brands and has received positive testimonials from its clients. It also offers resources such as ebooks, reports, webinars, a blog, events, and a podcast through the Influitive Institute. The platform is designed to help turn customers into loyal advocates and is described as the market-leading advocacy, community, and engagement platform for customer-obsessed brands. Influitive’s AI agent, Groovy, is highlighted as a cutting-edge tool for engaging and supporting customers, with features like 24/7 availability, a best practices repository, and strategic support for referrals, references, and reviews at scale. Influitive emphasizes its ability to help businesses mobilize customer advocates through its engagement platform and expert services, leveraging the authentic voice of customers to drive growth. The platform is also designed to guide customer journeys, spark customer engagement, and help customer marketers achieve results. Influitive’s website features a range of customer success stories and statistics, highlighting the impact of the platform on user adoption, customer stories collected, completed challenges, and content social shares. Overall, Influitive is positioned as a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to harness the power of customer advocacy and drive growth through authentic customer engagement and support.”

the reasons behind this review :
Customer Advocacy SaaS Platform, Strategic Discovery of Customer Advocates, Nurture and Mobilize Customer Advocates, Use Cases for Getting More Reviews, Amplifying Social Media, Growing Product Adoption, Managing Customer References, Getting Valuable Customer Feedback, Onboarding, Training, and Empowering Customers, Product Solutions and Features for Customer Advocacy, Customer Communities, Customer Experience, Customer Success, Customer Loyalty, and Employee Advocacy, Trusted by Well-Known Brands, Positive Client Testimonials, Resources Including Ebooks, Reports, Webinars, Blog, Events, and Podcast, Market-Leading Advocacy, Community, and Engagement Platform, AI Agent 'Groovy' for Customer Engagement and Support, Features 24/7 Availability, Best Practices Repository, and Strategic Support for Referrals, References, and Reviews at Scale, Emphasis on Mobilizing Customer Advocates, Expert Services for Customer Engagement, Leveraging Authentic Voice of Customers for Growth, Guiding Customer Journeys, Sparking Customer Engagement, Helping Customer Marketers Achieve Results, Range of Customer Success Stories and Statistics Highlighting Platform Impact
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point