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Why is the trust score of very high?

Aggie Armstrong's website appears to be a safe and legitimate platform. The site provides information about the artist, her work, and upcoming events. The content is consistent with what one would expect from an artist's website, including a gallery of artworks, information about the artist, and details about upcoming shows and events. The site also features a contact page, which is a common and essential component of a legitimate website. The use of multimedia, such as videos and images, is also typical for an artist's website, as it allows visitors to experience the artist's work in various formats. The website's design and layout are professional and visually appealing, which is in line with the presentation standards for artists and creative professionals. The site's domain,, is relevant to the artist's name and work, which is another positive indicator. The domain age of nearly 9 years is also a good sign, as it suggests that the website has been established for a significant period, which is typical of legitimate and reputable sites. The SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt is a standard security feature that helps protect the transmission of data between the website and its visitors. The use of an SSL certificate is common for legitimate websites, especially those that handle sensitive information. The fact that the domain whois information is accessible is also a positive sign, as it adds transparency and allows individuals to verify the ownership and registration details of the website. The absence of any concerning or suspicious elements, such as reports of fraudulent activity, malware, or phishing attempts associated with the website, further supports the assessment that Aggie Armstrong's website is safe and legitimate. Overall, based on the available information, Aggie Armstrong's website appears to be a genuine and safe platform for exploring the artist's work and engaging with her artistic practice."

the reasons behind this review :
Professional design and layout, Relevant and informative content, Multimedia elements for showcasing artwork, Contact page for inquiries, Domain name relevant to the artist, Longevity of the domain (nearly 9 years), Use of SSL certificate for secure data transmission, Accessible domain whois information, No reports of fraudulent activity or security concerns
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

No Negative Point