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Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of low?

Pfeiffer Logistics Services Limited is a company operating in the transport and logistics sector, offering a range of services including road freight, sea freight, air freight, forwarding, warehousing, and intrastat reporting. The website provides detailed information about the company’s services, including the types of freight they handle, their team members and their roles, and specifics about their warehousing and intrastat capabilities. The site also mentions their use of modern shelf units for storage, their monthly reporting in the intrastat system, and their collaboration with selected partners around the world. The website is professionally designed and provides a comprehensive overview of the company’s operations and services. It also includes copyright information, indicating that the content is up to date. The SSL certificate is issued by Google Trust Services, which is a reputable certificate authority. The domain age is relatively new, which is not uncommon for businesses that have recently established an online presence or updated their website. The server information indicates that the website is hosted on Cloudflare, a widely used and trusted web infrastructure company. Overall, based on the information available, the website appears to be legitimate and provides transparent and detailed information about the company’s services and operations.”

the reasons behind this review :
Professional website design, Detailed information about services, Team member profiles, Specifics about warehousing and intrastat capabilities, Use of modern shelf units for storage, Monthly reporting in the intrastat system, Collaboration with selected partners, Copyright information, SSL certificate issued by Google Trust Services, Relatively new domain age, Hosting on Cloudflare, a reputable web infrastructure company
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain is new

  Archive is new