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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. New Domain: The domain was registered only 11 days ago. Scammers often create new websites to avoid being flagged.

2. Limited Edition Claim: The website promotes a "limited edition" Australian breakdancer Halloween costume. This is a common tactic used by scammers to create a sense of urgency and encourage quick purchases.

3. Out of Stock: The costume is listed as "sold out" in all size variants. This can be a ploy to make the product seem popular and in high demand, further pressuring visitors to buy.

4. Lack of Detailed Information: The product description is vague and lacks specific details about the costume's design, materials, and features. Legitimate e-commerce sites usually provide comprehensive information about their products.

5. Unprofessional Website Design: The website's design appears unprofessional, with limited content and a focus on selling the product without much context or additional information.

6. No Customer Reviews: There are no customer reviews or testimonials, which is unusual for a product that is claimed to be popular and in high demand.

7. High Discount: The original price of the costume is listed as $75, but the sale price is $65. Such a high discount on a supposedly limited edition item can be a red flag for a scam.

8. No Social Proof: The website does not provide any social proof, such as links to their social media pages or mentions in reputable publications.

9. Lack of Contact Information: While there is a "Contact Us" form, the website does not provide a physical address or detailed contact information, which is common for legitimate businesses.

10. Payment Methods: The website accepts various payment methods, including major credit cards and digital wallets. This is typical for e-commerce sites, but scammers can also use these payment gateways to appear legitimate.

11. Privacy Policy and Refund Policy: The website has links to its privacy policy and refund policy, but these pages should be carefully reviewed for any inconsistencies or vague terms that could indicate a scam.

12. No Information About the Company: The website does not provide information about the company behind the product, its history, or its mission, which is common for legitimate businesses.

Based on these observations, it is advisable to approach this website with caution and conduct further research before making any purchases. It is recommended to look for independent reviews, check for the company's presence on reputable platforms, and verify the legitimacy of the product and its claims."

the reasons behind this review :
New Domain, Limited Edition Claim, Out of Stock, Lack of Detailed Information, Unprofessional Website Design, No Customer Reviews, High Discount, No Social Proof, Lack of Contact Information, Payment Methods, Privacy Policy and Refund Policy, No Information About the Company
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new