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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content and the information provided raise several red flags that are commonly associated with investment scams:

1. Unrealistic Promises: The website promises high daily returns (2-5%) on investments, which is not feasible in legitimate investment markets. Such high and consistent returns are often a hallmark of Ponzi schemes.

2. Lack of Regulation Details: While the website claims to be a registered and regulated company, it does not provide specific registration or license numbers that can be independently verified. Legitimate investment firms are transparent about their regulatory status.

3. Vague Investment Strategies: The website mentions investments in oil and gas, agriculture, and stock markets, but it lacks detailed information about how these investments are managed and the associated risks.

4. Pressure to Invest: The website encourages users to invest quickly and offers referral bonuses, which is a common tactic in Ponzi schemes to attract new investors and keep the scheme running.

5. Lack of Company Information: The website provides limited information about the company’s history, team, and physical address. Legitimate investment firms are transparent about their background and key personnel.

6. Testimonials: The testimonials on the website are generic and may not be verifiable. In some cases, scam websites use fake testimonials to create a false sense of trust.

7. High Minimum Deposits: The website’s investment plans have relatively high minimum deposit amounts, which can be a tactic to extract larger sums of money from investors.

8. Lack of Risk Disclosure: Legitimate investment platforms provide clear information about the risks associated with investing. The website’s focus on high returns without adequate risk disclosure is concerning.

9. Domain Age: The website’s domain is relatively new, which is common among fraudulent websites that are set up to run a short-term scam before disappearing.

10. Lack of Independent Reviews: A lack of independent, third-party reviews or information about the company’s reputation outside of its own website is a red flag.

Based on these red flags, it is advisable to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough due diligence before considering any investment with this platform. It is recommended to seek advice from a qualified financial professional and to avoid making any hasty investment decisions based solely on the information provided on the website.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Promises, Lack of Regulation Details, Vague Investment Strategies, Pressure to Invest, Lack of Company Information, Testimonials, High Minimum Deposits, Lack of Risk Disclosure, Domain Age, Lack of Independent Reviews
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden