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The European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) is an official EU mechanism for citizens to propose legislation to the European Commission. It was introduced by the Lisbon Treaty in 2009 and became operational in 2012. The ECI allows citizens to directly participate in the EU's democratic processes by collecting signatures to support a specific legislative proposal. If an initiative meets the required criteria, the European Commission must consider it and provide a formal response.

Key Features of the European Citizens' Initiative:

1. **Legally Binding**: The ECI is a legally binding instrument, enshrined in the EU's primary law, the Treaty on European Union (TEU). It gives citizens the right to directly participate in the EU's legislative process.

2. **Minimum Requirements**: To launch an ECI, a citizens' committee must be formed, comprising at least seven EU citizens who are old enough to vote in European Parliament elections. The committee members must be from at least seven different EU member states.

3. **Support Threshold**: Initiatives must gather a minimum number of statements of support from EU citizens within 12 months. The required number of signatures is determined by a formula based on the total population of the EU and the number of member states.

4. **Online Collection**: Statements of support can be collected online, making it easier for citizens to participate regardless of their location within the EU.

5. **Formal Registration**: Before collecting signatures, the citizens' committee must register its proposed initiative with the European Commission. This registration process includes providing detailed information about the initiative's objectives and the proposed legislative text.

6. **Commission's Response**: Once an ECI reaches the required number of statements of support, the European Commission must examine the initiative and provide a formal response. The response includes the Commission's reasoning and any actions it intends to take in response to the initiative.

7. **Public Hearing**: In some cases, the European Parliament may organize a public hearing on a successful ECI to discuss the initiative's objectives and gather input from relevant stakeholders.

8. **Follow-Up Actions**: If the European Commission decides to propose legislation in response to an ECI, it must explain its decision and the proposed legislative text. The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union then consider the proposal through the standard legislative procedure.

The ECI is a significant tool for participatory democracy in the EU, allowing citizens to directly influence the legislative agenda. It aims to bridge the gap between EU institutions and the general public by providing a formal mechanism for citizens to propose and advocate for specific policy changes at the EU level.

The ECI has been used to address a wide range of issues, including environmental protection, human rights, consumer rights, and social policies. It has also sparked debates on the effectiveness of the mechanism and the extent to which it can influence EU decision-making.

Overall, the European Citizens' Initiative is an important avenue for civic engagement and a manifestation of the EU's commitment to democratic principles and citizen participation."

the reasons behind this review :
The European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) is an official EU mechanism for citizens to propose legislation to the European Commission. It was introduced by the Lisbon Treaty in 2009 and became operational in 2012. The ECI allows citizens to directly participate in the EU's democratic processes by collecting signatures to support a specific legislative proposal. If an initiative meets the required criteria, the European Commission must consider it and provide a formal response.

Key Features of the European Citizens' Initiative:

1. **Legally Binding**: The ECI is a legally binding instrument, enshrined in the EU's primary law, the Treaty on European Union (TEU). It gives citizens the right to directly participate in the EU's legislative process.

2. **Minimum Requirements**: To launch an ECI, a citizens' committee must be formed, comprising at least seven EU citizens who are old enough to vote in European Parliament elections. The committee members must be from at least seven different EU member states.

3. **Support Threshold**: Initiatives must gather a minimum number of statements of support from EU citizens within 12 months. The required number of signatures is determined by a formula based on the total population of the EU and the number of member states.

4. **Online Collection**: Statements of support can be collected online, making it easier for citizens to participate regardless of their location within the EU.

5. **Formal Registration**: Before collecting signatures, the citizens' committee must register its proposed initiative with the European Commission. This registration process includes providing detailed information about the initiative's objectives and the proposed legislative text.

6. **Commission's Response**: Once an ECI reaches the required number of statements of support, the European Commission must examine the initiative and provide a formal response. The response includes the Commission's reasoning and any actions it intends to take in response to the initiative.

7. **Public Hearing**: In some cases, the European Parliament may organize a public hearing on a successful ECI to discuss the initiative's objectives and gather input from relevant stakeholders.

8. **Follow-Up Actions**: If the European Commission decides to propose legislation in response to an ECI, it must explain its decision and the proposed legislative text. The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union then consider the proposal through the standard legislative procedure.

The ECI is a significant tool for participatory democracy in the EU, allowing citizens to directly influence the legislative agenda. It aims to bridge the gap between EU institutions and the general public by providing a formal mechanism for citizens to propose and advocate for specific policy changes at the EU level.

The ECI has been used to address a wide range of issues, including environmental protection, human rights, consumer rights, and social policies. It has also sparked debates on the effectiveness of the mechanism and the extent to which it can influence EU decision-making.

Overall, the European Citizens' Initiative is an important avenue for civic engagement and a manifestation of the EU's commitment to democratic principles and citizen participation.
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