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Why is the trust score of low?

Zhaksymai Oil, LLP is a company engaged in the production and marketing of petroleum products, including motor fuel, aviation oil, and crude oil. It is also involved in the exploration and development of oil and gas fields. The company is based in Kazakhstan, with its industrial complex located in the city of Turkestan. Zhaksymai Oil, LLP is described as an integrated oil company, with a focus on efficiency and sustainability in its operations. The company’s activities include refining petroleum, producing petrochemicals, and operating a network of filling stations and services. Additionally, Zhaksymai Oil, LLP has investments in the financial sector, specifically in banking and insurance.

Key Points:

1. **Business Operations:** Zhaksymai Oil, LLP is primarily involved in the production and marketing of petroleum products, as well as the exploration and development of oil and gas fields.

2. **Efficiency and Sustainability:** The company emphasizes its commitment to improving processes to provide energy that boosts economies and communities globally, while also exploring new approaches to promote global sustainability.

3. **Product Range:** Zhaksymai Oil, LLP produces a variety of petroleum products, including liquefied petroleum gases, automotive and diesel fuels, jet engine fuels, vacuum gas oil, heating oil, fuel oil, marine fuel, petroleum cokes, technical sulfur, paraxylene, and benzene.

4. **Contribution to the Economy:** The company is described as making a significant contribution to the economy of the Atyrau region in Kazakhstan and is noted as one of the largest taxpayers in the region.

5. **Environmental Considerations:** Zhaksymai Oil, LLP is said to give a lot of consideration to environmental issues in its operations, with a focus on industrial safety and the prevention and/or minimization of consequences of accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities.

6. **Support for Biodiversity and Ecology:** The company has reportedly provided support to the business and biodiversity initiative of the Kazakhstan Ministry of Nature and Ecology, as part of the state project for biodiversity preservation and ecotourism development.

7. **Community Engagement:** Zhaksymai Oil, LLP is described as actively supporting the growth of education, culture, and sports, as well as the enhancement of population health. The company also emphasizes its commitment to ensuring safe working conditions and protecting the lives and health of its workers and contractor organizations.

8. **Social Responsibility:** The organization is said to have an ethical social policy and seeks to support sustainable development in the communities it serves, including providing support to marginalized groups and participating in social gatherings and events.

9. **Partnerships and Collaborations:** Zhaksymai Oil, LLP is noted to have agreements and collaborations with local administrations and organizations, aiming to establish a stable and welcoming social environment throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan.

10. **Ethical and Social Policy:** The company is said to adhere to an ethical social policy, with a focus on sustainable development and support for communities, including indigenous and marginalized groups.

It’s important to note that the information provided is based on the content available on the website of Zhaksymai Oil, LLP. When evaluating the credibility and reliability of a company, it’s advisable to consider additional sources of information, such as industry reports, news articles, and independent reviews. Additionally, conducting due diligence and seeking professional advice can help in forming a comprehensive understanding of the company’s operations and reputation.”

the reasons behind this review :
Business Operations, Efficiency and Sustainability, Product Range, Contribution to the Economy, Environmental Considerations, Support for Biodiversity and Ecology, Community Engagement, Social Responsibility, Partnerships and Collaborations, Ethical and Social Policy
Positive PointsNegative Points

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