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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content and the services offered raise several red flags:

1. **Guaranteed Results**: The promise of guaranteed results in social media marketing is highly dubious. Social media algorithms are complex and constantly changing, and no legitimate agency can guarantee specific outcomes.

2. **Manipulation of Social Media Platforms**: The offer to buy upvotes, comments, and accounts on platforms like Reddit is a violation of the terms of service of these platforms. It’s considered unethical and can lead to account suspension or banning.

3. **Vague and Overpromising Language**: Phrases like “beat the algorithm,” “engage with followers that care,” and “get discovered with a marketing campaign” are vague and overpromising. Legitimate marketing agencies are more transparent about their strategies and the realistic outcomes.

4. **Focus on Quantity Over Quality**: The emphasis on getting seen across multiple platforms and the offer to “balance your comments or threads with downvotes” suggests a focus on quantity over genuine engagement, which is not a sustainable or ethical approach to social media marketing.

5. **Use of Aged Accounts**: The offer to buy aged accounts for posting and leaving comments on Reddit is a clear violation of Reddit’s policies and can lead to severe consequences for both the account and the user.

6. **Promotion of OnlyFans**: While promoting content on various platforms is a legitimate service, the specific mention of promoting OnlyFans, which is often associated with adult content, can be a red flag for some users and may not align with their brand or values.

7. **New Pricing and Discounts**: The use of urgency and discounts in the form of “40% off all signal orders” can be a tactic to pressure users into making quick decisions without fully evaluating the legitimacy of the service.

8. **Long-Term Engagement in Chat**: While it’s positive to have dedicated customer service, the claim that a chat agent stayed with a customer for 3.5 hours, clearing all their questions, can be seen as excessive and potentially manipulative.

9. **Lack of Transparency in Pricing**: The website mentions “new pricing” and “get a proposal” without transparently displaying the standard pricing for their services. This lack of transparency can be a red flag.

10. **Ethical Policy**: The mention of an “ethical policy” in the footer, without clear details on what this entails, can be a tactic to appear trustworthy without providing substantial information.

11. **Use of Testimonials**: While positive testimonials can be a good sign, they should be taken with caution, especially if they are not independently verifiable.

12. **Complexity of Services**: The website offers a wide range of services, including managing social media accounts, running marketing campaigns, and promoting content on various platforms. Such a wide range of services can be a red flag, as it’s challenging for a single agency to excel in all these areas.

In conclusion, the website’s content and the services it offers raise significant concerns about ethical practices, transparency, and the potential for violating the terms of service of various social media platforms. It’s advisable to approach such services with caution and thoroughly research their legitimacy and ethical standing before engaging with them.”

the reasons behind this review :
Guaranteed Results, Manipulation of Social Media Platforms, Vague and Overpromising Language, Focus on Quantity Over Quality, Use of Aged Accounts, Promotion of OnlyFans, New Pricing and Discounts, Long-Term Engagement in Chat, Lack of Transparency in Pricing, Ethical Policy, Use of Testimonials, Complexity of Services
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden