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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website claims to be a platform for generating high yields on stablecoins, specifically mentioning a 21.03% APY. However, several aspects raise red flags:

Unrealistic Yields: Offering a consistent 21.03% APY, especially in the current financial climate, is highly unusual and potentially unsustainable. Such high returns are atypical for stablecoin investments and should be approached with extreme caution.

Lack of Detailed Information: The website provides minimal information on how these high yields are achieved. There’s no clear explanation of the arbitrage strategies or the risk management involved, which is concerning for a platform dealing with financial investments.

Vague Technical Details: While the website mentions being powered by “hela” and leveraging funding arbitrage within crypto exchanges, there’s no in-depth technical explanation or whitepaper to support these claims. Legitimate platforms usually provide detailed technical information for transparency.

Boosted Points and Airdrop Program: The mention of “boosted points” and an airdrop program for early stakers can be indicative of a pyramid or Ponzi scheme, where early investors are rewarded with additional tokens for bringing in new investors. This model is unsustainable and often leads to financial losses for later investors.

Partners and Auditing: The website lists several partners and claims to be audited, but there’s no verifiable evidence or links to these audits. Legitimate platforms usually provide transparent and easily accessible information about their partners and audit reports.

Lack of Regulatory Compliance: While the website mentions partnering with regulated custodians, there’s no clear indication of the platform’s own regulatory compliance. Dealing with stablecoins and offering financial services typically requires adherence to specific financial regulations, which should be clearly outlined.

Limited Contact Information: The website provides minimal contact information, with no physical address or detailed information about the team behind the platform. Legitimate financial platforms usually have transparent and easily accessible contact details.

Overall, the combination of unrealistic high yields, vague technical details, and potentially unsustainable reward programs raises significant concerns about the legitimacy and long-term viability of It’s highly advisable to conduct thorough research and due diligence before considering any investments on this platform.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Yields, Lack of Detailed Information, Vague Technical Details, Boosted Points and Airdrop Program, Partners and Auditing, Lack of Regulatory Compliance, Limited Contact Information
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden