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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website ‘’ is a free anime streaming platform that offers a wide range of anime content, including both subbed and dubbed versions. It claims to provide an ad-free experience and does not require users to create an account to access the content.

However, it’s important to note that the legality and safety of using such streaming sites can be questionable. Here are some points to consider:

1. Legality: Many free streaming sites, especially those that offer copyrighted content without proper licensing, operate in a legal gray area. Users should be aware that accessing copyrighted material without permission may be illegal in some jurisdictions.

2. Malware and Phishing Risks: Free streaming sites are often associated with a higher risk of malware and phishing attacks. Users may encounter pop-ups, misleading ads, or links to malicious websites that can compromise their device’s security.

3. Content Quality and Availability: While these sites may offer a wide selection of anime, the quality of the videos and the availability of specific titles can vary. Users may encounter broken links or outdated content.

4. Ethical Considerations: Supporting official and legal channels for accessing anime, such as licensed streaming platforms or purchasing physical copies, ensures that creators and distributors are fairly compensated for their work.

5. Personal Data and Privacy: Free streaming sites may not have robust privacy policies, and users should be cautious about sharing personal information or engaging in financial transactions on these platforms.

6. User Experience: The user experience on free streaming sites may not be as polished or reliable as that of paid, reputable platforms. This can include issues with video playback, site navigation, and customer support.

In conclusion, while ‘’ may offer a convenient way to access anime content for free, users should carefully consider the potential legal, security, and ethical implications. Exploring official and licensed streaming options, even if they involve a subscription fee, can provide a safer and more reliable anime-watching experience while supporting the creators and industry behind the content.”

the reasons behind this review :
1. Legality of free streaming sites, especially those offering copyrighted content, can be questionable.
2. Higher risk of encountering malware and phishing attempts on free streaming platforms.
3. Varying quality and availability of content on free streaming sites.
4. Supporting official and legal channels for accessing anime ensures fair compensation for creators.
5. Free streaming sites may have less robust privacy policies, posing potential risks to user data.
6. User experience on free streaming sites may not be as reliable or polished as that of paid, reputable platforms.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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