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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content provided seems to be a typical example of a scam or fraudulent online store. Here are some reasons why this website is highly suspicious:

Unrealistic Discounts: The website offers extremely high discounts (e.g., 86.71% off) on a wide range of products, including popular and expensive brands. Such deep discounts are highly unusual and often a red flag for a scam.

Inconsistent Pricing: The prices of the products are consistently listed as $9.90 USD, regardless of the original price. This lack of variation in pricing is uncommon in legitimate online stores.

Limited Product Information: The product descriptions are generic and lack detailed information about the items, such as materials, dimensions, or specific features. Legitimate e-commerce sites typically provide comprehensive product details.

No Contact Information: The website does not provide a physical address, phone number, or other verifiable contact information. This lack of transparency is a common tactic used by fraudulent websites.

Suspicious Domain Name: The domain name “” does not seem to be related to any established or reputable brand. Scammers often use unusual or random domain names to create fake online stores.

Poor Website Design: The website’s design and layout appear unprofessional and hastily put together. Legitimate e-commerce sites usually invest in a polished and user-friendly design.

Lack of Customer Reviews: There are no customer reviews or testimonials on the website, which is unusual for an online store claiming to offer popular and heavily discounted products.

Unsecured Payment Methods: If the website offers only unsecured payment methods, such as direct bank transfers or money orders, it’s a major red flag. Legitimate online stores offer secure payment options, such as credit card payments or trusted third-party services like PayPal.

To further investigate the legitimacy of this website, you can perform the following additional checks:

Search for Reviews: Look for independent reviews of the website from reputable sources. If there are numerous complaints about the site, it’s likely a scam.
Check for Social Media Presence: Legitimate online stores often have active and established social media profiles. Look for the website on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
Verify Contact Information: If the website does provide contact information, try to verify its legitimacy by calling the phone number or checking the provided address on a map.
Check for HTTPS and Secure Payment: Ensure that the website uses HTTPS in its URL and offers secure payment options. This helps protect your personal and financial information.
Ultimately, it’s crucial to exercise caution when dealing with unfamiliar online stores, especially if they exhibit multiple red flags like the ones mentioned above. If in doubt, it’s best to refrain from making any purchases and to report the website to relevant authorities if it appears to be a scam.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Discounts, Inconsistent Pricing, Limited Product Information, No Contact Information, Suspicious Domain Name, Poor Website Design, Lack of Customer Reviews, Unsecured Payment Methods
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
