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The website appears to be a safe and legitimate platform. It is a blockchain explorer for the TON (Telegram Open Network) blockchain. The TON blockchain was developed by Telegram and is designed to be a fast, secure, and scalable blockchain platform. As a blockchain explorer, allows users to view and search for information about transactions, wallet addresses, and other data on the TON blockchain. This can be useful for developers, researchers, and anyone interested in exploring the activity on the TON blockchain. The website provides various features and information related to the TON blockchain, including details about wallets, decentralized exchanges (DEXes), decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, games, utilities, tokens, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and more. It also offers real-time data such as the current price of TON coin, market capitalization, and transaction processing speed (TPS). The inclusion of these features and data is typical for a blockchain explorer, as it aims to provide comprehensive insights into the blockchain network. Additionally, the website mentions specific TON-related products and services, such as the TonKeeper wallet, TonHUB, MyTONWallet, and others. These are likely third-party applications or services that are compatible with the TON blockchain and can be used for managing TON coins and participating in the TON ecosystem. It’s important to note that the TON blockchain and associated projects have undergone significant developments and changes over time. The information provided on should be verified and cross-referenced with official sources, especially if it pertains to specific products, services, or the current state of the TON blockchain. As with any blockchain-related platform, users should exercise caution and conduct their own research before engaging with any services or making financial decisions based on the information provided. Overall, seems to be a legitimate and informative website for exploring the TON blockchain and its associated ecosystem. However, users should always verify information from multiple sources and be mindful of the dynamic nature of blockchain projects.”

the reasons behind this review :
Blockchain explorer for the TON (Telegram Open Network) blockchain, Provides information about transactions, wallet addresses, and other data on the TON blockchain, Features related to wallets, decentralized exchanges (DEXes), decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, games, utilities, tokens, and NFTs, Real-time data such as the current price of TON coin, market capitalization, and transaction processing speed (TPS), Mentions specific TON-related products and services, such as the TonKeeper wallet, TonHUB, MyTONWallet, etc., Users should verify information from multiple sources and be cautious with financial decisions.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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