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Why is the trust score of very high? is a website that provides a directory of Telegram channels, groups, bots, and stickers. It allows users to search for and discover various content on the Telegram messaging platform. The site offers features such as sorting channels, rating them, and accessing a list of the top 100 media. Users can also submit their own channels to be included in the directory. The website claims to manually review all channels and groups to ensure high quality and provides growth statistics for submitted channels. It also emphasizes the benefits of adding channels to the directory, such as increasing subscribers and visibility on search engines. The site’s content is primarily focused on promoting and organizing Telegram media, and it includes information about the latest additions to the directory, blog posts, and links to related resources. It also provides information about advertising on Telegram and offers an API for developers. The website’s footer includes standard sections such as a privacy policy, terms of service, and a disclaimer stating that all content is user-submitted and the site is not responsible for the content on listed media. Overall, appears to be a legitimate and useful resource for discovering and promoting Telegram channels, groups, and bots.”

the reasons behind this review :
Directory of Telegram channels, groups, bots, and stickers. Allows users to search for and discover various content on the Telegram messaging platform. Features include sorting channels, rating them, and accessing a list of the top 100 media. Users can submit their own channels to be included in the directory. Claims to manually review all channels and groups to ensure high quality. Provides growth statistics for submitted channels. Emphasizes the benefits of adding channels to the directory, such as increasing subscribers and visibility on search engines. Content includes information about the latest additions to the directory, blog posts, and links to related resources. Provides information about advertising on Telegram and offers an API for developers. Includes standard sections such as a privacy policy, terms of service, and a disclaimer stating that all content is user-submitted and the site is not responsible for the content on listed media.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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