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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. StickPNG is a website that provides a collection of transparent PNG images, which can be downloaded for free and used in personal, non-commercial, or educational projects. The site is designed to be a platform for sharing and accessing high-quality PNG images with transparent backgrounds. Users can browse various categories, such as animals, cartoons, food, nature, and more, to find the images they need.

The website emphasizes that the images are meant for non-commercial use, and it encourages users to respect copyright and licensing agreements. StickPNG states that while users can download the PNG images for personal projects, the site does not grant any license for commercial use. If users wish to use the images for other purposes, they are advised to seek permission from the respective authors or copyright holders.

StickPNG also has a community aspect, as it mentions being a platform for creative people to share their transparent PNG images. The site’s mission is to spark the creativity of its community, and it moderates all content submissions to avoid the dissemination of offensive material.

In terms of copyright and intellectual property, StickPNG has a policy for addressing copyright infringement. It provides a procedure for reporting copyright infringement, including the necessary information to be included in a notice of copyright infringement. The site states that it will remove any material cited in a valid takedown notice and may disable accounts of users who repeatedly infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others.

To protect users’ privacy, StickPNG outlines its privacy policy, detailing the types of information collected by its servers and providing links to the privacy policies of third-party advertising partners. The site mentions that creating a user account is optional for browsing and downloading content, but it offers extra features for registered users, such as the ability to submit content.

StickPNG’s privacy policy addresses the collection of user data, the use of server logs, and the use of cookies for personalizing the browsing experience. It also mentions the involvement of third-party advertisers and provides information on account cancellation and data retention.

Overall, StickPNG appears to be a legitimate and useful resource for accessing transparent PNG images for personal, non-commercial, or educational purposes. However, users should be mindful of the site’s terms of use and copyright policies, especially if they intend to use the images for commercial projects. It’s always important to respect copyright and licensing agreements when using creative content from online platforms.”

the reasons behind this review :
Free transparent PNG images for personal, non-commercial, or educational use. Encourages respect for copyright and licensing agreements. Moderates content submissions to avoid offensive material. Policy for addressing copyright infringement. Optional user accounts with privacy policy. Use of server logs and cookies outlined in privacy policy. Involvement of third-party advertisers. Information on account cancellation and data retention.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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