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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website ‘’ appears to be a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. Suspicious Domain: The domain name ‘’ is not a typical or reputable domain for a legitimate business. Many scam websites use unusual domain names to avoid detection and appear less suspicious.

2. Unprofessional Website Design: The website’s design and layout appear unprofessional, with inconsistent formatting, excessive use of bold text, and a lack of high-quality images or graphics. Legitimate businesses typically invest in professional web design.

3. Misleading Content: The website’s content includes phrases like ‘situs link slot gacor online hari ini 2025’ and ‘situs slot88 terpercaya,’ which can be misleading or nonsensical. Legitimate websites usually provide clear and accurate information.

4. Lack of Verifiable Information: There is a lack of verifiable information about the company, its location, or its team. Legitimate businesses typically provide detailed information about their background and contact details.

5. No Customer Reviews or Testimonials: The website does not feature any customer reviews or testimonials, which is unusual for a legitimate online business. Customer feedback is important for building trust.

6. Unusual Promotions: The website mentions promotions and vouchers that seem unusual or too good to be true. Scam websites often use enticing offers to lure in unsuspecting visitors.

7. Unreliable Payment Methods: If the website offers payment methods that are not commonly used or trusted, it could be a red flag. Legitimate websites typically offer a range of secure payment options.

8. Lack of Security Information: There is no clear information about the website’s security measures, such as SSL encryption. This is important for protecting users’ personal and financial information.

9. Inconsistent Branding: The website mentions multiple brands like ‘lazada’ and ‘mangga2bet’ without clear explanations or connections. This inconsistency can be a sign of a scam.

10. High-Risk Location: The website is hosted in a high-risk location, which can be a common tactic for scam websites to avoid legal consequences.

It’s important to exercise caution when visiting unfamiliar websites, especially if they exhibit multiple red flags like the ones mentioned above. If you’re considering engaging with this website, it’s advisable to conduct further research and consider more reputable and established alternatives.”

the reasons behind this review :
Suspicious Domain, Unprofessional Website Design, Misleading Content, Lack of Verifiable Information, No Customer Reviews or Testimonials, Unusual Promotions, Unreliable Payment Methods, Lack of Security Information, Inconsistent Branding, High-Risk Location
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
