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SimpleBooking is a company that provides a booking engine for hotels and other accommodation providers. It allows these businesses to manage their online reservations, including direct bookings from their own website, as well as bookings from various online travel agencies (OTAs) and other distribution channels. The system is designed to be user-friendly and customizable, allowing hoteliers to tailor it to their specific needs and branding.

Key Features:

1. Online Booking Engine: SimpleBooking offers a responsive and customizable booking engine that can be integrated into a hotel’s website. This allows guests to make direct bookings online, which can help hotels reduce their reliance on third-party booking platforms and save on commission fees.

2. Channel Manager: The platform includes a channel manager that allows hotels to manage their availability and rates across multiple online distribution channels, such as OTAs like and Expedia. This helps to ensure that room inventory is accurately updated and that rates are consistent across all channels.

3. Booking Management: SimpleBooking provides tools for managing reservations, including the ability to view and modify bookings, add special requests, and communicate with guests. This can help streamline the reservation process and improve the overall guest experience.

4. Reporting and Analytics: The system includes reporting and analytics features that provide insights into booking trends, revenue performance, and other key metrics. This data can be valuable for making informed business decisions and optimizing pricing and marketing strategies.

5. Customization and Branding: SimpleBooking can be customized to reflect a hotel’s branding and visual identity. This includes the ability to add custom images, logos, and color schemes to the booking engine, helping to maintain a consistent brand image throughout the online booking process.

6. Mobile-Friendly: The booking engine is designed to be mobile-friendly, ensuring that guests can easily make reservations and access important information from their smartphones and tablets.

Overall, SimpleBooking aims to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for hotels and other accommodation providers to manage their online reservations and maximize direct bookings. By offering features such as a customizable booking engine, channel management, and reporting tools, the platform is designed to help hotels improve their online presence, increase revenue, and enhance the guest booking experience.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website provides a booking engine for hotels and accommodation providers, allowing them to manage online reservations, including direct bookings from their own website and bookings from online travel agencies (OTAs). It offers a responsive and customizable booking engine, a channel manager for managing availability and rates across multiple distribution channels, tools for managing reservations, reporting and analytics features, customization and branding options, and mobile-friendly design. The platform aims to help hotels reduce reliance on third-party booking platforms, save on commission fees, streamline the reservation process, and improve the overall guest experience. It provides insights into booking trends, revenue performance, and other key metrics, which can be valuable for making informed business decisions and optimizing pricing and marketing strategies. The website emphasizes the user-friendly and customizable nature of the platform, as well as its potential to increase direct bookings and revenue for hotels. It also highlights the ability to maintain a consistent brand image throughout the online booking process, and the importance of mobile-friendliness for guests making reservations from their smartphones and tablets.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Positive reviews are more than negative reviews

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Whois data is hidden

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Total 1 reviews

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