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Why is the trust score of very high?

The website appears to be a legitimate hosting service provider. It offers virtual private servers (VPS) for both Windows and Linux operating systems. The site provides detailed information about the VPS plans, including specifications, pricing, and features. It also highlights the benefits of using their VPS services, such as full administrative access, guaranteed resources, and reliable internet connectivity.

The site’s content is consistent with what one would expect from a hosting service provider, and it doesn’t contain obvious signs of being a scam. The information is focused on the technical aspects of VPS hosting and the features offered by the company.

The domain age of 12 years and 1 month suggests that the website has been operational for a significant amount of time, which is generally a positive indicator. It’s less common for fraudulent websites to have such a long history.

The SSL certificate from Sectigo Limited is a standard security feature for websites, especially those involved in e-commerce or handling sensitive data. It’s a positive sign that the website is using encryption to secure its connections.

The Tranco rank of 115,370 indicates that the website has a moderate level of traffic and visibility on the internet. While this rank isn’t extremely high, it’s still within a reasonable range for a legitimate business website.

The information from the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, showing a history of 4,243 days, further supports the long-standing presence of the website. This archive age aligns with the domain age and adds to the credibility of the site.

The server information, including the IP address and hosting provider, is consistent with what one would expect for a legitimate website. The hosting provider, JSC “Ukrtelecom,” is a known company, and the location in Kyiv, Ukraine, matches the website’s stated focus on providing VPS services.

Overall, based on the available information, the website appears to be a legitimate and safe platform for VPS hosting services. Its long history, security measures, and technical focus contribute to its credibility.”

the reasons behind this review :
Long domain age (12 years and 1 month) is a positive indicator for a legitimate website. Use of SSL certificate from Sectigo Limited is a standard security feature for websites, especially those involved in e-commerce or handling sensitive data. Tranco rank of 115,370 indicates a moderate level of traffic and visibility on the internet, which is reasonable for a legitimate business website. Information from the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, showing a history of 4,243 days, supports the long-standing presence of the website. Server information, including the IP address and hosting provider, is consistent with expectations for a legitimate website. The hosting provider, JSC "Ukrtelecom," is a known company, and the location in Kyiv, Ukraine, matches the website's stated focus on providing VPS services.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  High gap ratio (1.44) for older domain

  Whois data is hidden

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