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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be suspicious based on the provided information. Here are the reasons:

1. Generic Content: The website’s content is generic and does not provide any specific information about its purpose or services. This lack of detailed information is often a red flag for suspicious websites.

2. Welcome Page for Nginx: The message “welcome to nginx!” suggests that the website is using the Nginx web server. While Nginx is a legitimate web server software, its default welcome page is often seen on newly set up or unconfigured websites, which can be a sign of a hastily created or potentially unreliable site.

3. Lack of Customization: The message about further configuration being required indicates that the website is not fully set up or customized. This can be a sign of a hastily created or incomplete website.

4. No Clear Purpose: The website does not clearly state its purpose or the services it offers. Legitimate websites typically provide clear and detailed information about what they do.

5. Use of and The mention of and for online documentation and commercial support is not typical for a regular website. It’s unusual for a website to directly refer users to these domains without providing its own specific content.

6. Domain Age and Archive Age: The domain is relatively young, at 2 years and 16 days old. Additionally, the website has been archived by the Wayback Machine, which can provide historical snapshots of web content. However, the specific content of the archived pages and any changes over time would need to be examined to draw conclusions about the site’s trustworthiness.

7. SSL Certificate: The SSL certificate is issued by Google Trust Services, which is a reputable certificate authority. This is a positive sign for the website’s security, but it does not necessarily guarantee the legitimacy of the site’s content or services.

8. Server Information: The website is hosted on a server with the IP address, located in San Francisco, California, and is associated with Cloudflare, Inc. This information is standard for website hosting and does not inherently indicate trustworthiness.

9. High Gap Ratio for Older Domain: The analysis of the domain age and archive age suggests a high gap ratio (0.91) for an older domain. This could be a red flag, but it’s important to consider other factors and conduct further investigation.

Based on the information provided, the website raises several red flags that warrant caution. It’s advisable to approach this site with skepticism and conduct further research or verification before engaging with it or providing any personal information.”

the reasons behind this review :
Generic Content, Welcome Page for Nginx, Lack of Customization, No Clear Purpose, Use of and, Domain Age and Archive Age, SSL Certificate, Server Information, High Gap Ratio for Older Domain
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  High gap ratio (0.91) for older domain

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
