is legitimate or a scam?Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. OpenPetition is a legitimate platform that allows citizens to create and sign petitions on a wide range of issues. It is a non-profit, politically neutral organization that aims to facilitate political participation and make the democratic process more transparent. The platform has been used by millions of people to address social problems and advocate for change. OpenPetition’s mission and goals include supporting petitioners to maximize the impact of their initiatives, making political processes more transparent, advocating for a more effective and citizen-friendly petition system, and promoting modern and more direct democratic means of citizen participation. The platform is free to use and is supported by donations. It is important to note that while OpenPetition provides a platform for citizens to voice their concerns and advocate for change, the success of any petition ultimately depends on various factors, including the level of public support and the responsiveness of decision-makers. Users should exercise critical thinking and consider the context and feasibility of the petitions they encounter on the platform. Additionally, as with any online platform, users should be mindful of their privacy and security when engaging with OpenPetition or any similar website. This includes being cautious about the personal information shared and being aware of the platform’s data privacy policies. Overall, OpenPetition is a legitimate and well-established platform for civic engagement and should be approached with an understanding of its mission and the dynamics of online petitioning.”
the reasons behind this review :
Legitimate platform for citizens to create and sign petitions, Non-profit and politically neutral organization, Aims to facilitate political participation and make the democratic process more transparent, Used by millions of people to address social problems and advocate for change, Mission and goals include supporting petitioners, Making political processes more transparent, Advocating for a more effective and citizen-friendly petition system, Promoting modern and more direct democratic means of citizen participation, Free to use and supported by donations, Success of petitions depends on various factors, including public support and responsiveness of decision-makers, Users should exercise critical thinking and consider the context and feasibility of petitions, Users should be mindful of privacy and security when engaging with the platform, Approach OpenPetition with an understanding of its mission and the dynamics of online petitioning
Positive Points | Negative Points |
Website content is accessible No spelling or grammatical errors in site content High review rate by AI Archive Age is quite old Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list | Whois data is hidden |
How much trust do people have in
Domain age :
WHOIS Data Status :
Title :
openPetition – Citizens' initiatives, online petitions, campaigns
Description :
Free platform for signature campaigns, initiatives, decisions, petitions: Start, collect, debate, change
Website Rank :
Age of Archive :
12 year(s) 10 month(s) 19 day(s)
SSL certificate valid :
SSL Status :
Low - Domain Validated Certificates (DV SSL)
SSL issuer :
Let's Encrypt
IP :
ISP : AS24940 Hetzner Online GmbH
Country : DE
Target :
IP :
ISP : AS24940 Hetzner Online GmbH
Country : DE
Target :
IP :
ISP : AS24940 Hetzner Online GmbH
Country : DE
Target :
IP :
ISP : AS12337 noris network AG
Country : DE
This website was last scanned on December 1, 2024 redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be a free web hosting service. It offers 1500MB of webspace, unmetered traffic, PHP 5.6,... redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be a legitimate and safe platform for obtaining self-storage insurance in the UK. The site...
The website is a scam. The domain is very new (only 4 days old), and the content is minimal and doesn't provide any meaningful information. The domain whois information is...