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Why is the trust score of high?

The content provided is a collection of posts from a Tumblr blog. The posts seem to be related to illustrations and artwork, including original art and work for specific projects or events. The content mentions various projects and collaborations, such as DMM Games, Project Sekai, and One Piece Card Game. There are also references to specific characters and events related to these projects. The posts are tagged with keywords related to the content, such as “illustration,” “original art,” and specific project names. The blog appears to be focused on sharing the creator’s artwork and experiences in the illustration and design field. The content is in Japanese, and the posts are dated, with some dating back several months. Overall, the blog seems to be a personal portfolio or showcase of the creator’s work in the field of illustration and design.”

the reasons behind this review :
The content is a collection of posts from a Tumblr blog. The posts seem to be related to illustrations and artwork, including original art and work for specific projects or events. The content mentions various projects and collaborations, such as DMM Games, Project Sekai, and One Piece Card Game. There are also references to specific characters and events related to these projects. The posts are tagged with keywords related to the content, such as "illustration," "original art," and specific project names. The blog appears to be focused on sharing the creator's artwork and experiences in the illustration and design field. The content is in Japanese, and the posts are dated, with some dating back several months. Overall, the blog seems to be a personal portfolio or showcase of the creator's work in the field of illustration and design.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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Total 0 reviews

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