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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website claims to be the official website for Matrix IPTV, a service that offers access to a wide range of entertainment options, including live global channels, video on demand (VOD) titles, movies, series, and pay-per-view (PPV) events. It emphasizes the availability of a large number of channels and VOD content, as well as the ease of use and the option to select multi-devices for streaming. The site also mentions the use of a virtual private network (VPN) for added privacy and security.

However, several aspects of the website and the service it promotes raise red flags:

1. Unverifiable Claims: The website makes several bold claims, such as being the “#1 premium subscriptions” and the “top selling IPTV in the world.” These claims are subjective and difficult to verify.

2. Lack of Legal Information: While the website states that Matrix IPTV is a fully licensed and authorized service, it does not provide specific details or references to support this claim. Legitimate IPTV services typically have clear information about their licensing and content rights.

3. Money-Back Guarantee: The site mentions a 100% money-back guarantee for 14 days if the service does not meet expectations. However, the actual process and terms of this guarantee are not clearly outlined.

4. Use of VPN: While the website suggests using a VPN with Matrix IPTV for added privacy and security, it does not provide detailed guidance on how to do so or whether it is necessary for all users.

5. Pricing and Payment: The site offers different pricing plans but does not provide transparent information about the payment process, accepted payment methods, or any additional fees.

6. Vague Technical Details: The website lacks specific technical information about the service, such as the supported devices, streaming quality, and any limitations on simultaneous streams.

7. Domain and SSL Certificate: The domain age of the website is relatively short, and the SSL certificate is issued by Let’s Encrypt, which is a free and automated certificate authority. While the use of Let’s Encrypt does not necessarily indicate a scam, it is worth noting in the overall assessment.

8. No Public Reviews or Testimonials: There are no visible public reviews or testimonials on the website, which makes it difficult to gauge the actual user experience and satisfaction with the service.

9. High-Risk Category: Based on the combination of the above factors, the website falls into the high-risk category for potential scams or misleading claims.

It’s important to approach such websites with caution and conduct thorough research before making any payments or providing personal information. Consider looking for independent reviews and seeking recommendations from trusted sources before engaging with any IPTV service.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unverifiable Claims, Lack of Legal Information, Money-Back Guarantee, Use of VPN, Pricing and Payment, Vague Technical Details, Domain and SSL Certificate, No Public Reviews or Testimonials, High-Risk Category
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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