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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website appears to be a legitimate website for an internet service provider in Russia. The content is consistent with what one would expect from such a provider, including information about high-speed internet, digital TV, and IP telephony services. The website also includes details about the company, such as its address, contact information, and the year it was established (2008–2024). The use of cookies for improved user experience is a common practice on many websites, especially those that require user logins or have personalized content. The website’s use of cookies is not inherently suspicious. The SSL certificate from GlobalSign is a positive sign, as it indicates that the website has taken steps to secure its connection and protect user data. The long domain age (16 years and 2 months) is also a good indicator of the website’s legitimacy. Scam websites are less likely to have a long history, as they are often shut down relatively quickly due to fraudulent activities. The website’s IP address ( is associated with a location in Lys’va, Perm Krai, Russia. This aligns with the company’s claim to provide services to the residents of Lys’va. The use of a dedicated IP address for the website is a standard practice for legitimate businesses. The website’s server information, including the hosting provider and location, is consistent with what one would expect for a regional internet service provider in Russia. The website’s presence in the Tranco ranking (117029) and its long history in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (5790 days) further support its legitimacy. Overall, based on the available information, the website appears to be a legitimate and safe website for an internet service provider in Russia.”

Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Whois data is hidden

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