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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be offering illegal downloads of copyrighted software, including cracks for paid software and serial keys. This is highly unethical and illegal. It’s important to note that using cracked software is not only illegal but also poses significant security risks. Here are some reasons why this website is highly suspicious:

1. Illegal Activity: Distributing cracks and serial keys for paid software is illegal and unethical. It violates copyright laws and can lead to severe legal consequences.

2. Security Risks: Downloading and using cracked software can expose your computer to malware, viruses, and other security threats. Cracked software often contains hidden malicious code.

3. Lack of Trustworthiness: Websites that promote illegal activities cannot be trusted. They are not held to any ethical or legal standards and may engage in other deceptive practices.

4. Legal Ramifications: If you download and use cracked software, you could face legal action from the software developers. It’s not worth the risk.

5. Ethical Considerations: Using cracked software undermines the hard work of developers and contributes to a culture of piracy. It’s important to support software developers by purchasing legitimate copies of their products.

6. Negative Impact on Devices: Cracked software can cause instability and performance issues on your devices. It’s not uncommon for such software to crash or malfunction.

7. No Guarantee of Functionality: Cracked software may not work as intended. It can be buggy, lack important updates, and may not receive support from the original developers.

It’s strongly advised to avoid websites like and refrain from engaging in any illegal or unethical activities related to software. Instead, support software developers by purchasing legitimate copies of their products and using them in accordance with the law.”

the reasons behind this review :
Illegal Activity, Security Risks, Lack of Trustworthiness, Legal Ramifications, Ethical Considerations, Negative Impact on Devices, No Guarantee of Functionality
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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