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Why is the trust score of strongly low? redirected to http// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. Domain Age: The domain is relatively new, which is a common characteristic of many scam websites. It was registered just 4 months and 21 days ago.

2. Hidden Domain Whois Information: The fact that the domain owner has chosen to keep their information private is often a red flag. Legitimate websites typically provide transparent and verifiable contact information.

3. SSL Certificate: While the website does have an SSL certificate, it’s a basic one (Domain Validation) from Let’s Encrypt. This doesn’t guarantee the legitimacy of the site, as it’s relatively easy for scammers to obtain such certificates.

4. Content: The content of the website is not clear from the provided information. It’s important to assess the nature of the content and whether it aligns with the website’s purported purpose.

5. Server Location: The server is located in Washington, D.C., which may not align with the website’s claim to be about Japanese dating.

6. Lack of Archive History: The website doesn’t have any history in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. While this alone isn’t a definitive sign of a scam, it’s often a concern when combined with other red flags.

7. Generic Content: The content provided in the description is generic and doesn’t offer any specific details about the website’s purpose or services.

8. Search Results: The search results for the website are also generic and don’t provide any meaningful information.

Given these factors, it’s advisable to exercise caution when dealing with this website. It’s important to thoroughly research and verify the legitimacy of any website, especially if it involves personal or financial information. If in doubt, consider seeking alternative, more established platforms for the services or information you are seeking.”

the reasons behind this review :
Domain Age, Hidden Domain Whois Information, SSL Certificate, Content, Server Location, Lack of Archive History, Generic Content, Search Results
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
