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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content is promoting an IPTV service, offering access to a wide range of TV channels, movies, and series for a subscription fee. It emphasizes the high quality of the content and the ability to access it on various devices. The site also encourages becoming a reseller of their IPTV service. The content is filled with marketing language, highlighting the benefits of their service and urging visitors to subscribe or become resellers. It also includes testimonials from supposed customers praising the service. However, there are several red flags that suggest this website might not be trustworthy: 1. Unrealistic Promises: The website promises access to an extensive range of content, including live TV channels, movies, and series, for a relatively low subscription fee. This is often unrealistic for legitimate services, especially when considering the licensing costs for such content. 2. Lack of Legal Information: Legitimate IPTV services typically provide clear information about their licensing agreements and the legality of their service. This website lacks such transparency. 3. Reseller Program: While reseller programs are common in various industries, the emphasis on becoming a reseller and the associated promises of significant profits can be a tactic used by illegitimate businesses to attract more people into their scheme. 4. Testimonials: The testimonials on the website, especially if they cannot be independently verified, could be fabricated to create a false sense of trustworthiness. 5. Hidden Domain Registration: The fact that the domain registration details are hidden is another red flag. Legitimate businesses usually provide transparent contact information. 6. High Gap Ratio: The gap between the domain age and the archive age is relatively high, which can be a red flag for suspicious websites. It’s important to note that these are potential red flags, and the website should be approached with caution. It’s advisable to conduct further research, look for independent reviews, and consider the reputation of the service before making any commitments or payments.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Promises, Lack of Legal Information, Reseller Program, Testimonials, Hidden Domain Registration, High Gap Ratio
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  High gap ratio (0.68) for older domain

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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