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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content seems to focus on quizzes and challenges related to friendship and social interactions. It’s important to note that the website’s content and activities are not inherently indicative of a scam. However, several red flags and common scam indicators are present:

1. Lack of Clear Purpose: The website’s primary focus on friendship quizzes and challenges, especially with repeated emphasis on “2024,” can be a tactic to engage users but lacks a clear purpose beyond entertainment.

2. Excessive Emphasis on Engagement: Phrases like “super dare 2024” and “best friend surprise award 2024” are designed to encourage user engagement, which can be a common tactic in scam websites to keep users on the site.

3. Disclaimers: The disclaimer at the bottom of the page stating that all content is provided for “fun and entertainment purposes only” is a common tactic used by scam websites to absolve themselves of responsibility for any negative outcomes.

4. Lack of Information: The website’s content is focused on quizzes and challenges, but there is a lack of substantial information about the organization or individuals behind the site.

5. Potential Data Collection: Websites that host quizzes and challenges may collect user data, which can be a privacy concern if not handled properly.

6. Domain Age and Consistency: The domain age of over 4 years and the consistent use of “2024” in the challenges may be an attempt to appear legitimate, but it can also be a tactic to create a sense of familiarity and trust.

7. Multiple Language Support: While offering content in multiple languages can be a legitimate feature, it can also be a tactic to reach a wider audience for potential engagement and data collection.

8. Lack of Clear Monetization: It’s not immediately clear how the website generates revenue, which can be a concern if it relies on user data collection or other potentially exploitative methods.

9. SSL Certificate: The website has a valid SSL certificate, which means the connection between the user’s browser and the website is encrypted. While this is a positive security feature, it doesn’t guarantee the legitimacy of the website’s activities.

10. Server Location: The website is hosted on a server in San Francisco, California, which is a common location for legitimate websites. However, the physical location of the server doesn’t necessarily indicate the legitimacy of the website’s operations.

It’s important to approach websites like this with caution. While the content may seem harmless, the tactics used to engage users and the potential for data collection can be concerning. Users should be mindful of the information they share and consider the legitimacy and trustworthiness of websites, especially those that focus on user engagement and interaction.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Clear Purpose, Excessive Emphasis on Engagement, Disclaimers, Lack of Information, Potential Data Collection, Domain Age and Consistency, Multiple Language Support, Lack of Clear Monetization, SSL Certificate, Server Location
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
