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Why is the trust score of very high?

The website appears to be a legitimate and safe platform for Hearthstone players to access and share deck information. It provides a variety of content related to the popular online collectible card game Hearthstone, including deck lists, articles, and news. The site is designed to be a resource for players looking to improve their gameplay and stay updated on the latest strategies and trends in the game.

Here are some key points about the website and its content:

1. Focused on Hearthstone: The website is dedicated to the game Hearthstone, which is developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. It is specifically tailored to the interests of Hearthstone players and enthusiasts.

2. Deck Lists: One of the main features of the site is the availability of deck lists for different classes and game modes in Hearthstone. Players can find and explore various deck archetypes, which can be helpful for improving their own decks and understanding the current meta.

3. News and Articles: In addition to deck lists, the website provides news and articles related to Hearthstone. This can include updates from the game developers, analysis of recent changes or events in the game, and other relevant information.

4. Community Submissions: The site encourages community engagement by allowing players to submit their own decks. This can contribute to a diverse range of deck options and strategies for other players to explore.

5. Social Media Presence: is active on various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, YouTube, Twitch, and Instagram. This can help users stay connected and informed about new content and updates.

6. Email Contact: The website provides an email address for contact purposes, which can be useful for users who have inquiries or want to communicate with the site administrators.

7. Affiliate Links and Partnerships: It’s mentioned that the site may earn affiliate commissions or compensation from certain links and products. This is a common practice for many websites and doesn’t necessarily indicate any issues with the site’s legitimacy.

Overall, based on the information provided, seems to be a reputable and valuable resource for Hearthstone players. It offers a range of content and features that are relevant to the game and its community. However, as with any online platform, users should exercise caution and use their discretion when interacting with the site and its content.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website appears to be a legitimate and safe platform for Hearthstone players to access and share deck information. It provides a variety of content related to the popular online collectible card game Hearthstone, including deck lists, articles, and news. The site is designed to be a resource for players looking to improve their gameplay and stay updated on the latest strategies and trends in the game.

Here are some key points about the website and its content:

1. **Focused on Hearthstone:** The website is dedicated to the game Hearthstone, which is developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. It is specifically tailored to the interests of Hearthstone players and enthusiasts.

2. **Deck Lists:** One of the main features of the site is the availability of deck lists for different classes and game modes in Hearthstone. Players can find and explore various deck archetypes, which can be helpful for improving their own decks and understanding the current meta.

3. **News and Articles:** In addition to deck lists, the website provides news and articles related to Hearthstone. This can include updates from the game developers, analysis of recent changes or events in the game, and other relevant information.

4. **Community Submissions:** The site encourages community engagement by allowing players to submit their own decks. This can contribute to a diverse range of deck options and strategies for other players to explore.

5. **Social Media Presence:** is active on various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, YouTube, Twitch, and Instagram. This can help users stay connected and informed about new content and updates.

6. **Email Contact:** The website provides an email address for contact purposes, which can be useful for users who have inquiries or want to communicate with the site administrators.

7. **Affiliate Links and Partnerships:** It's mentioned that the site may earn affiliate commissions or compensation from certain links and products. This is a common practice for many websites and doesn't necessarily indicate any issues with the site's legitimacy.

Overall, based on the information provided, seems to be a reputable and valuable resource for Hearthstone players. It offers a range of content and features that are relevant to the game and its community. However, as with any online platform, users should exercise caution and use their discretion when interacting with the site and its content.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  High gap ratio (0.60) for older domain

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
