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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website ‘’ appears to be associated with Pace Morby, a real estate investor and mentor. The site promotes a mentorship community called Subto, which claims to teach creative financing strategies for real estate investment. It’s important to note that while Pace Morby is a real person and a known figure in the real estate industry, the legitimacy and effectiveness of the Subto mentorship program should be carefully evaluated.

Here are some points to consider:

1. Promises of Success: The website’s language, particularly the testimonials and statements about achieving financial success, should be approached with caution. Real estate investment, especially with creative financing, is inherently risky and success is not guaranteed.

2. Personal Figures Disclaimer: The disclaimer about personal figures and sales figures of previous or existing clients is a common legal requirement for financial and investment-related promotions. However, it’s important to remember that individual results can vary widely.

3. Average Results: The website mentions that the average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. This is a significant disclaimer and should be taken seriously.

4. Risk and Effort: The disclaimer also emphasizes that all business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. This is a standard disclaimer, but it’s crucial to understand the level of commitment and risk involved in real estate investment.

5. Copyright Date: The copyright date mentioned on the website is 2024, which could be misleading. It’s important to verify the current status and offerings of the Subto program.

6. Privacy and Data Processing: The website mentions the processing of personal data. It’s essential to understand how your personal information will be used and whether you are comfortable with the data processing practices.

7. Opting Out of Data Sharing: The website provides an option to opt out of sharing personal information. This is a positive aspect in terms of privacy and data control.

8. Contact Consent: By submitting contact information, users are consenting to receive calls, SMS, and emails from Subto and its affiliates. It’s important to understand the extent of communication and how it aligns with your preferences.

9. Real Estate Mentorship: Mentorship and training in real estate investment can be valuable, but it’s crucial to thoroughly research the reputation and track record of the mentors and the program.

10. Online Reviews and Feedback: Look for independent reviews and feedback about the Subto program and Pace Morby’s mentorship. This can provide insights from individuals who have experienced the program firsthand.

11. Local and National Meetups: The website mentions local and national meetups as part of the community. It’s important to verify the frequency and quality of these meetups, especially if they are a significant factor in the program’s value proposition.

12. Lifetime Access to Course: The claim of lifetime access to the six-week online course is a significant offering. It’s important to understand the details of this access and any potential limitations.

13. Bulletproof Documents and Contracts: The website mentions providing bulletproof documents, contracts, and calculators. It’s important to verify the quality and applicability of these resources.

14. Support and Guidance: The website emphasizes support and guidance in finding deals and closing transactions. It’s important to understand the extent and effectiveness of this support.

15. A&E’s Hit House Flipping Show: The website mentions Pace Morby as the host of A&E’s hit house flipping show ‘Triple Digit Flip’. It’s important to verify this claim and understand the relevance of this experience to the mentorship program.

In conclusion, while Pace Morby is a real figure in the real estate industry, the Subto mentorship program and its claims should be approached with caution. Real estate investment, especially with creative financing, is complex and risky. It’s advisable to conduct thorough research, seek independent reviews, and consider consulting with financial and real estate professionals before committing to any mentorship or investment program.”

the reasons behind this review :
Promises of Success, Personal Figures Disclaimer, Average Results, Risk and Effort, Copyright Date, Privacy and Data Processing, Opting Out of Data Sharing, Contact Consent, Real Estate Mentorship, Online Reviews and Feedback, Local and National Meetups, Lifetime Access to Course, Bulletproof Documents and Contracts, Support and Guidance, A&E's Hit House Flipping Show
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  High gap ratio (3.31) for older domain

  Large gap between creation and first snapshot

  Whois data is hidden

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