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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be a legitimate and safe website. It is the official site for the Financial Technology Research Centre (FTRC), a well-established and reputable organization in the financial services industry. FTRC is a boutique fintech consultancy that focuses on technology in the financial advice market, particularly in the UK and internationally. The organization’s mission is to help the industry deliver better services to consumers, improve the quality of their lives, and reduce costs for financial institutions.

The website provides detailed information about FTRC’s offerings, including its research and benchmarking system, market insight reports, collaboration and industry dialogue, and bespoke consultancy services. It also highlights the company’s focus on technology areas such as regtech, wealthtech, and insuretech.

The site features a range of systems designed to help financial advisers better compare the products they recommend to clients. These systems are intended to enable detailed comparisons of financial products and generate easy-to-understand analysis for clients in just a few minutes. The data from these systems provides valuable insight into the practical ways advisers work to select products and features they consider most important when making client recommendations.

FTRC also offers a series of detailed reports providing extensive analysis of key industry issues, which are updated monthly to reflect the latest changes in the marketplace. Some of the current studies include insights on adviser software, the impact of automatic enrollment contribution increases on consumer disposable income, and the role of technology in financial advice.

The website promotes various events and forums organized by FTRC, such as the “Artificial Intelligence in Financial Advice” conference and monthly forums for protection and investment. These events are designed to bring together industry professionals to discuss key issues and share best practices.

Additionally, the site features specialized hubs for protection and benefits information, as well as a directory of software solutions for advisers covering 50 categories of software from 100 different firms. It also provides information on consultancy services offered by FTRC, including external proposition reviews, panel selection, and bespoke consulting.

The website includes contact information for FTRC, including its address in London, telephone number, and email address. It also provides links to the organization’s privacy policy and terms and conditions.

Overall, based on the information provided and the reputation of the Financial Technology Research Centre, the website appears to be a legitimate and trustworthy source of information for professionals in the financial services industry, particularly those involved in financial advice, technology, and related areas.”

the reasons behind this review :
Reputable organization in the financial services industry, Detailed information about FTRC's offerings, Focus on technology areas such as regtech, wealthtech, and insuretech, Range of systems designed to help financial advisers compare products, Detailed reports providing extensive analysis of key industry issues, Promotion of various events and forums organized by FTRC, Specialized hubs for protection and benefits information, Directory of software solutions for advisers, Information on consultancy services offered by FTRC, Contact information provided, Links to privacy policy and terms and conditions.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  High gap ratio (11.08) for older domain

  Large gap between creation and first snapshot

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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