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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content you provided seems to be promoting a “Shopify Mastery Class” by Adrian Morrison. Here are some red flags and reasons for caution:

1. Overpromising Results: Phrases like “how I’m killing it” and “doubling my sales volume” can be typical of exaggerated marketing claims.

2. Use of Celebrity Endorsements: While it mentions Adrian Morrison’s recognition, it’s important to verify the authenticity and relevance of any endorsements, especially from high-profile individuals.

3. Income Disclaimer: The disclaimer about sales figures not being typical and the need for effort and risk is a common legal requirement in many jurisdictions for income claims.

4. Urgency and Limited Spots: Claims of limited seating and urgency can be pressure tactics commonly used in marketing.

5. Association with Facebook and Shopify: While the site disclaims any official association, the use of these well-known brands’ names can be misleading.

6. Optional Offer at the End: The mention of an optional offer at the end of the training is a common tactic in sales funnels.

7. Long Video Format: Many similar schemes use long video presentations, often with limited real content and a focus on emotional storytelling.

8. Repetition of Phrases: The repetition of phrases like “100% free” and “you agree to our privacy policy” is a common tactic to reinforce messaging.

9. Use of Personal Story: The mention of personal experience and struggle, while potentially genuine, is also a common tactic to build trust and relatability.

10. Highly Positive Language: The use of extremely positive language and claims without much specific detail can be a red flag.

It’s important to approach such offers with caution and conduct thorough research. Look for independent reviews and feedback from actual participants. Additionally, consider the credibility and track record of the individual offering the course. Remember, genuine success in e-commerce typically requires hard work, knowledge, and sometimes a degree of risk, and it’s rarely as easy as some marketing materials might suggest.”

the reasons behind this review :
Overpromising Results, Use of Celebrity Endorsements, Income Disclaimer, Urgency and Limited Spots, Association with Facebook and Shopify, Optional Offer at the End, Long Video Format, Repetition of Phrases, Use of Personal Story, Highly Positive Language
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Low review rate by AI

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
