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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. is the official French government open data platform. It provides access to a wide range of public datasets, allowing citizens, businesses, and researchers to use and analyze the data for various purposes. The platform is managed by the French government’s Interministerial Directorate for Digital Affairs (DINUM) and is part of the broader open data initiative in France.

Key features and information about include:

1. Open Data Catalog: The platform hosts a comprehensive catalog of open datasets from various government agencies and public institutions. These datasets cover diverse topics such as demographics, transportation, environment, health, and more.

2. Data Reuse and Visualization: Users can explore and download datasets for reuse in research, application development, data analysis, and other projects. The platform also supports data visualization tools to help users understand and interpret the information.

3. Community Engagement: encourages collaboration and engagement with the open data community. Users can share their own datasets, participate in discussions, and contribute to the platform’s growth.

4. Government Transparency: By making government data openly accessible, promotes transparency and accountability in governance. It allows citizens to access and scrutinize public information, fostering a more informed and participatory society.

5. Data Quality and Standards: The platform emphasizes the importance of data quality and provides guidelines for publishing high-quality, standardized datasets. This ensures that the information available on the platform is reliable and consistent.

6. API Access: offers APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that enable developers to programmatically access and integrate the platform’s datasets into their applications and services.

Overall, serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in leveraging open data for research, innovation, and social impact. It aligns with the broader global movement towards open government data and has contributed to the development of numerous data-driven initiatives and solutions in France.”

the reasons behind this review :
Official French government open data platform, Provides access to a wide range of public datasets, Managed by the French government's Interministerial Directorate for Digital Affairs (DINUM), Part of the broader open data initiative in France, Hosts a comprehensive catalog of open datasets from various government agencies and public institutions, Datasets cover diverse topics such as demographics, transportation, environment, health, and more, Users can explore and download datasets for reuse in research, application development, data analysis, and other projects, Supports data visualization tools to help users understand and interpret the information, Encourages collaboration and engagement with the open data community, Users can share their own datasets, participate in discussions, and contribute to the platform's growth, Promotes transparency and accountability in governance by making government data openly accessible, Allows citizens to access and scrutinize public information, fostering a more informed and participatory society, Emphasizes the importance of data quality and provides guidelines for publishing high-quality, standardized datasets, Offers APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for developers to programmatically access and integrate the platform's datasets into their applications and services, Serves as a valuable resource for leveraging open data for research, innovation, and social impact, Aligns with the broader global movement towards open government data, Has contributed to the development of numerous data-driven initiatives and solutions in France
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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