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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website is for a dental clinic called Ctomatodont, located in Malkajgiri, Hyderabad. The website provides information about the clinic’s services, specialties, and contact details. It also includes patient testimonials and a section about the clinic’s history and establishment. The website appears to be a legitimate platform for a dental clinic, offering various dental services such as oral and maxillofacial surgery, dental implantology, endodontics, pediatric dentistry, prosthodontics, periodontics, and orthodontics. The website also mentions that the clinic has been established since 2017 and highlights its use of advanced modern equipment and sterilization protocols equivalent to European standards. Additionally, the website features a blog and an Instagram feed, showcasing the clinic’s work and patient experiences. Overall, the website seems to be a standard online presence for a dental clinic, providing information about its services, team, and patient testimonials. It does not exhibit any obvious signs of being a scam or fraudulent website. However, as with any online platform, it’s important for users to verify the legitimacy of the clinic and its services through independent research and, if possible, direct communication with the clinic.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website is for a dental clinic called Ctomatodont, located in Malkajgiri, Hyderabad. The website provides information about the clinic's services, specialties, and contact details. It also includes patient testimonials and a section about the clinic's history and establishment. The website appears to be a legitimate platform for a dental clinic, offering various dental services such as oral and maxillofacial surgery, dental implantology, endodontics, pediatric dentistry, prosthodontics, periodontics, and orthodontics. The website also mentions that the clinic has been established since 2017 and highlights its use of advanced modern equipment and sterilization protocols equivalent to European standards. Additionally, the website features a blog and an Instagram feed, showcasing the clinic's work and patient experiences. Overall, the website seems to be a standard online presence for a dental clinic, providing information about its services, team, and patient testimonials. It does not exhibit any obvious signs of being a scam or fraudulent website. However, as with any online platform, it's important for users to verify the legitimacy of the clinic and its services through independent research and, if possible, direct communication with the clinic.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  High gap ratio (1.41) for older domain

How much trust do people have in


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