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Why is the trust score of very low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be a platform for sharing and accessing various coupons and promotional codes for different products and services. It claims to offer free coupons, promo codes, and information about sales and deals from a wide range of stores and brands. The site also includes a blog section with articles on topics such as shopping, travel, and personal finance, as well as lists of recommended products and stores.

However, several aspects of the website raise potential concerns:

1. Coupon Aggregator: Coupon websites can be legitimate, but some may engage in deceptive practices, such as promoting expired or fake coupons, or collecting personal information for unauthorized use.

2. Excessive Coupon Offers: The website lists a large number of coupon offers from various stores and brands. While this is not inherently suspicious, the sheer volume of offers could be a tactic to attract visitors and gather data.

3. Promotion of Specific Brands: If the website heavily promotes specific brands or stores, it could be a sign of biased or sponsored content, which may not always be transparent to users.

4. Lack of Detailed Information: Legitimate coupon websites often provide clear details about the source of their coupons, terms and conditions, and privacy policies. If this information is lacking or unclear, it could be a red flag.

5. User Reviews and Ratings: Checking for user reviews and ratings of the website and its services can provide valuable insights into the experiences of other users. Look for reviews on independent platforms, not just on the website itself.

6. Security and Privacy: Ensure that the website has proper security measures in place, especially if it requires personal information for coupon access or registration.

7. Check for Scam Reports: Search for any scam reports or complaints related to the website. If other users have reported issues or fraudulent activities, it’s best to exercise caution.

It’s important to approach coupon websites with a degree of skepticism and to verify the legitimacy of the offers and the website itself. Be cautious about providing personal information, especially if it’s not necessary for accessing the coupons. If in doubt, consider using more established and well-known coupon platforms.”

the reasons behind this review :
Coupon Aggregator, Excessive Coupon Offers, Promotion of Specific Brands, Lack of Detailed Information, User Reviews and Ratings, Security and Privacy, Check for Scam Reports
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Snapshot span significantly exceeds domain age

  High gap ratio (5.00) for older domain

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
