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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website appears to be an online store specializing in LED light-up picture frames, with a focus on anime and pop culture themes. The site offers a variety of products, including custom LED light-up painting frames, night lights, and phone cases featuring popular anime and manga characters.

However, several red flags and potential concerns can be identified:

1. Limited Contact Information: The website’s “Contact Us” page may lack essential contact information, such as a physical address, phone number, or email address. Legitimate businesses typically provide multiple ways to contact them.

2. Unusual Domain Name: The domain name “” does not directly relate to the products being sold, which can be a red flag. It’s common for scam websites to use unrelated or generic domain names.

3. Highly Specialized Product Range: While it’s not uncommon for online stores to have a niche focus, the exclusive emphasis on LED light-up picture frames with anime themes could be a tactic used by scam sites to attract a specific audience.

4. No Customer Reviews or Testimonials: The absence of customer reviews or testimonials on the website or on independent review platforms makes it difficult to gauge the store’s reputation and the quality of its products and services.

5. Potentially Suspicious Discounts: If the website offers significant discounts or prices that seem too good to be true, it could be a tactic to lure in unsuspecting customers.

6. Privacy and Security Concerns: It’s important to check the website’s privacy policy and ensure that it has proper security measures in place, especially if it requires personal or financial information for purchases.

7. Inconsistent or Poor Website Design: Scam websites often have low-quality or inconsistent website designs, including spelling and grammar errors, which can be a sign of unprofessionalism.

8. Check for HTTPS and Secure Payment Methods: Always ensure that the website uses HTTPS in its URL and offers secure payment methods. Look for familiar and reputable payment gateways during the checkout process.

9. Verify Company Information: If the website claims to be associated with a specific company or brand, verify this information independently to confirm its legitimacy.

10. Use Trusted Review Platforms: Before making a purchase, search for the website on trusted review platforms and check for any reported scams or negative experiences from other customers.

It’s important to approach websites like with caution, especially if any of the above concerns are present. Conducting thorough research and being vigilant about online shopping safety can help protect against potential scams or fraudulent websites.”

the reasons behind this review :
Limited Contact Information, Unusual Domain Name, Highly Specialized Product Range, No Customer Reviews or Testimonials, Potentially Suspicious Discounts, Privacy and Security Concerns, Inconsistent or Poor Website Design, Check for HTTPS and Secure Payment Methods, Verify Company Information, Use Trusted Review Platforms
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  High gap ratio (0.91) for older domain

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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