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American Reading Company (ARC) is an educational company that provides literacy solutions for K-12 schools. The company offers a comprehensive curriculum, including core reading programs, digital solutions, and supplemental resources. ARC’s approach is grounded in the science of reading and aims to ensure that every student is reading and writing at or above grade level.

Key features and offerings of ARC’s literacy solutions include:

ARC Core: A comprehensive K-12 English and Spanish literacy curriculum that is designed to meet the needs of all students in any learning environment. It is grounded in the science of reading and focuses on foundational skills and knowledge-building.
Digital Solutions: ARC provides powerful dashboards and reports that allow for real-time assessment of student performance at the classroom, school, and district levels. These digital tools support data-driven instruction and equity in education.
Supplemental Solutions: The 100 Book Challenge is a program that aims to accelerate learning by providing daily opportunities for students to engage with high-interest texts. It is designed to complement core literacy programs.
Formative Assessment: The Independent Reading Level Assessment (IRLA) is a formative assessment tool for reading that is designed to inform instructional decisions and support student growth.
Intervention: ARC offers resources for supporting students who require additional intervention or support in reading. These resources are designed for both elementary and secondary students.
Building Knowledge: The ARC Core curriculum is designed to help students build knowledge across various subjects, including science, social studies, and literature. Students engage in deep learning and research on specific topics.
Writing Instruction: ARC Core emphasizes writing as a fundamental aspect of literacy. Students are encouraged to write daily in various forms and for different purposes, including on-demand writing and extended research-based writing.
Alignment with the Science of Reading: ARC’s literacy solutions are explicitly aligned with the science of reading, focusing on foundational reading skills, phonics, word recognition, and fluency.
Spanish Literacy Solutions: ARC offers ARC Core en Español for grades K-5, as well as assessment and intervention resources specifically designed for Spanish literacy instruction.
Research and Efficacy: ARC’s instructional materials have undergone independent reviews and have been rated highly for their evidence-based approach and efficacy in supporting student learning.
Professional Learning: ARC provides professional development and support for educators to effectively implement their literacy solutions and maximize student outcomes.
Overall, American Reading Company’s literacy solutions are designed to provide a comprehensive and research-based approach to literacy instruction in K-12 education. The company emphasizes the importance of building knowledge, fostering a love for reading, and ensuring that all students have the opportunity to become proficient readers and writers.”

the reasons behind this review :
Comprehensive K-12 literacy solutions, Grounded in the science of reading, Focus on foundational skills and knowledge-building, Core curriculum for English and Spanish literacy, Digital tools for real-time assessment and data-driven instruction, Supplemental programs to accelerate learning, Formative assessment tool for reading (IRLA), Intervention resources for students needing additional support, Emphasis on building knowledge across subjects, Writing instruction as a fundamental aspect of literacy, Alignment with the science of reading, Spanish literacy solutions and resources, Independent reviews and efficacy research, Professional development and support for educators
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point

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