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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Adesso is a leading IT service provider in the German-speaking region. The company focuses on providing consulting and software development services to ensure the success of its clients’ projects and the future-proofing of their applications. With over 10,200 employees and more than 60 locations within the Adesso Group, the company is dedicated to bringing its clients’ projects to successful fruition. Adesso’s core business involves optimizing key business processes through the strategic use of modern IT. The company emphasizes the importance of people in this process, highlighting the need for a blend of technological expertise and a deep understanding of clients’ specific business needs. Adesso’s work spans various industries, including automotive, banking, energy, healthcare, retail, and more. The company’s references showcase its diverse projects, such as enhancing customer service efficiency, digitalizing and automating processes, and creating engaging digital shopping experiences. Adesso also supports sustainability initiatives, as seen in its collaboration with Zurich to develop the Planet Hero app. The company’s commitment to transparency is evident in its investor relations activities, where it provides comprehensive information for shareholders and the financial community. Adesso’s website features a range of resources, including event listings, news updates, and blog posts, offering insights into industry trends, technological advancements, and the company’s activities. The site also provides a platform for direct communication, encouraging visitors to reach out for more information or to schedule meetings. Overall, Adesso’s website reflects a reputable and established IT service provider with a strong focus on client success, technological innovation, and industry leadership.”

the reasons behind this review :
Leading IT service provider in the German-speaking region, Focus on consulting and software development for project success and application future-proofing, Over 10,200 employees and 60+ locations within the Adesso Group, Emphasis on optimizing core business processes through modern IT, Importance of people with a mix of technology expertise and business understanding, Diverse industry involvement, including automotive, banking, energy, and healthcare, Showcase of varied projects, such as enhancing customer service efficiency and digitalizing processes, Support for sustainability initiatives, as seen in collaboration with Zurich for the Planet Hero app, Commitment to transparency through comprehensive investor relations activities, Website features resources like event listings, news updates, and blog posts for industry insights, Direct communication platform for inquiries and scheduling meetings.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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